
Games 2022

Special Olympics zal in 2022 plaats vinden van 25 mei tot en met 28 mei in Louvain La Neuve. En 2022 les Special Olympics auront lieu du 25 mai jusqu’au 28 mai à Louvain-La-Neuve. Hierbij vinden jullie de inschrijvingslink

Coronavirus - Hoe jezelf te beschermen

Games 2020

Vanwege het Corona virus zijn de Special Olympics van dit jaar afgelast. --------- Dû au Corona Virus les Special Olympics de cette année ont été annulé.

The result of 10 years hard work

Case: approach and results of Lions Belgium MD112 over the past 12 years. Premises : During the annual edition of the National Games of Special Olympics, there is an additional program which is free for all athletes: the Healthy Athletes Program (HAP). With this program, athletes have the opportunity to get a free medical check-up in 7 domains: Fit Feet, Fun Fitness, Health Promotion, Healthy Body, Healthy Hearing, Opening Eyes, and Special Smiles. ( Each domain has his own Clinical Director.  Two of our Belgian Clinical Directors are also Regional Clinical Advisor for the region Special Olympics Europe Eurasia. One of our Belgian Clinical Director is a Global Clinical Advisor, giving advice on a global level. Gathering historical data: Because Lions Belgium MD112 has been supporting this program with logistics support over the past 12 years, it was possible to gather some historical data on the hea...